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How to complete your India Visa Form

How to complete your India Visa Form

Celebrating 25 Years of tour excellence

**UPDATE 1st Sep 2022 – the Indian embassy is currently experiencing high volumes of applications and appointment wait times are now over 6 weeks and could become even longer. We recommend that all customers travelling in 2022 complete their visa application and book a visa appointment online immediately***

Applying for your India visa

We hope that you are looking forward to your trip to India with us!

It is now time to apply for your visa. Wendy Wu Tours have partnered with a visa agency called DJB Visas, who will assist in processing your visa application.

Please make sure you read this guide in full before completing your application. Below this information you can find a step-by-step guide on how to complete your application form.

  • You need to complete your visa application form and sign it.
  • You will need to post it along with your passport to DJB Visas via Royal Mail Special Delivery.
  • DJB Visas will process your visa at the Indian Visa Centre in London and post your passport back to you with the visa enclosed.
  • Wendy Wu Tours will be liaising closely with DJB Visas behind the scenes and will cover the cost of the visa on your behalf

**UPDATE 1st Sep 2022 – the Indian embassy is currently experiencing high volumes of applications and appointment wait times are now over 6 weeks and could become even longer. We recommend that all customers travelling in 2022 complete their visa application and book a visa appointment online immediately***

Since your balance has now been paid and your tour is confirmed to depart, we recommend you start your visa application process straight away.

Current processing times are approximately 4-6 weeks, however this is dependent on the Indian embassy's availability and workflow so please apply as soon as you can.

  • Original valid passport – please ensure your passport is signed and you have two blank pages
  • One fully completed online visa application form
  • An appointment confirmation to submit your visa application (appointments must be made for Goswell Road)
  • Two photograph’s which must meet Indian visa requirements 50mm by 50mm
  • Declaration letter
  • Letter of Authorisation for DJB to submit your application on your behalf
  • Copy of the most recently issued Indian visa, if applicable. If the visa is in a previous passport copy of the passport data page

Our processing service is only included for UK British Citizen passport holders. If you hold any other British passport (British Subject, British National Overseas) or you are a non-UK passport holder or you reside outside of the UK or were born or have family which were born in Pakistan, you may be required to obtain your own visas at your own expense. Please contact us for more information.

Please post your completed and signed application form, along with your passport to DJB Visas. We strongly recommend that passports are posted using the Royal Mail Special Delivery service and we accept no responsibility for passports lost in the post.

DJB Visas Ltd,
11 Lever Street

Tel - 0207 684 6242
Email - info@djbvisas.com

Once your visa has been processed, your passports will be posted back to you via Royal Mail Special Delivery to your home address that you have listed on your visa application form.

Wendy Wu Tours and DJB Visas cannot guarantee that you will be issued a visa for your holiday as each passenger has different personal circumstances. The decision to approve a visa is down to the relevant Embassy. Wendy Wu Tours and DJB Visas act as a third party with no influence on the visa decision.

On rare occasions, the Embassy has the right to request the applicant to provide additional supporting documents or to come to the Embassy for an interview. In this instance, we will notify you immediately.

Once your completed visa has been received, it is your responsibility to check all details are correct. Wendy Wu Tours or DJB Visas will not be held accountable for any denied boarding or denied at immigration.

Please view Section 5 of our booking conditions for full details.

How to complete your India visa application form

The following information has been designed to help you complete your visa application form correctly. If you are still unsure of a question, please contact Wendy Wu Tours for further assistance.

Accessing website

Go to website https://indianvisaonline.gov.in/visa/index.html

In the blue banner towards the bottom of the screen, click the first option ‘regular/visa application’

An example of a completed application form can be found here:-

The online visa application will time out after 15 minutes, please make note of your temporary reference number at the start of the form to ensure you do not lose your form.

  1. Country/Region you are applying visa fromPlease select UNITED KINGDOM from the dropdown options
  2. India Mission/Office Please select UK-LONDON (unless you are applying for your own visa, then select the visa centre you wish to attend)
  3. Nationality/RegionPlease select your nationality from the dropdown list provided
  4. Date of BirthPlease enter your date of birth (DD/MM/YYYY)
  5. Email IDPlease enter a valid email address (confirmation of your application form will be emailed to you)
  6. Re-enter Email IDPlease re-enter your email address
  7. Expected Date of Arrival Please enter your arrival date as per your confirmation invoice (DD/MM/YYYY)
  8. Visa TypePlease select TOURIST VISA from the dropdown list provided
  9. PurposePlease select TOURISM, RECREATION, SIGHT-SEEING from the dropdown list provided
  10. Please enter above textType text as it appears on the screen (this is case sensitive)
  1. Surname (as shown in passport)Please type your surname as it appears in your passport
  2. Given Name/s (Complete as in Passport)Please type your given name as it appears in your passport
  3. Have your ever changed your namePlease tick box and provide details including maiden names
  4. Gender Please select your gender from the dropdown list provided
  5. Date of BirthThis will already be completed as per details you have already entered (please ensure this is correct)
  6. Town/City of Birth Please type your place of birth as per your passport
  7. Country/Region of birth Please select from the dropdown list provided
  8. Citizenship/National IDPlease type NA for British passport holders
  9. Religion Please select from the dropdown list provided or select OTHERS and type manually
  10. Visible Identification marks Please type any facial marks you may have (i.e. birth mark, tattoo etc.) otherwise please type NA
  11. Educational Qualification Please select from the dropdown list provided
  12. Nationality This will already be completed as per details you have already entered (please ensure this is correct)
  13. Did you acquire Nationality by birth or by naturalization Please select from the dropdown list provided (if you select by naturalization, please select your previous nationality from the dropdown list provided)
  1. Passport Number Please enter your passport number as it appears in your passport
  2. Place of Issue Please enter the place of issue as per your passport (usually HMPO or IPS)
  3. Date of Issue Please enter your passport issue date (DD/MM/YYYY)
  4. Date of Expiry Please enter your passport expiry date (DD/MM/YYYY)
  5. Any other Valid Passport/Identity Certificate (IC) Held please tick NO unless you have any other valid passport

Please click ‘Save and continue’

  1. House No./Street Please type the first line of your home address
  2. Village/Town/City Please type as per your home address
  3. Country Please select from the dropdown list provided
  4. State/Province/District Please type your county
  5. Postal/Zip code Please type your post code
  6. Phone No. Please type your home telephone number
  7. Mobile No. Please type your mobile phone number (if applicable)
  8. Email Address This will already be completed as per details you have already entered (please ensure this is correct)
  9. Click here for same address Please tick the box if your present address and permanent address are the same (if not please complete the relevant details below)

Father’s Details (these details must be completed)

  1. Name Please enter your father’s full name
  2. Nationality/Region Please select from the dropdown list provided
  3. Previous Nationality/Religion Please select from the dropdown list provided
  4. Place of birth Please enter father’s place of birth
  5. Country/Region of birth Please select from the dropdown list provided

Mother’s Details (these details must be completed)

  1. Name Please enter your mother’s full name
  2. Nationality/RegionPlease select from the dropdown list provided
  3. Previous Nationality/Religion Please select from the dropdown list provided
  4. Place of birth Please enter mother’s place of birth
  5. Country/Region of birth Please select from the dropdown list provided
  • Applicant’s Marital StatusPlease select your marital status from the dropdown list provided (if married, please complete the relevant information)
  • Were your Grandfather/Grandmother (paternal/maternal) Pakistan Nationals or belong to a Pakistan held area Please tick the relevant box (if YES, please provide details)
  1. Present Occupation Please select from the dropdown list provided (if you are retired, please type NA next to any *box in this section)
  2. Employer Name/Business Please enter the name of your company you currently are employed by
  3. Designation Please type your job title
  4. Address Please enter your company’s address
  5. Phone Please enter your company’s phone number
  6. Past Occupation, if any Please select from the dropdown list provided if applicable
  7. Are/were you in a Military/Semi-Military/Police/Security Organization Please tick the appropriate box and complete the required information if applicable
  1. Type of Visa This will already be completed as per details you have already entered (please ensure this is correct)
  2. Places likely to be visited Please type your first place of entry (i.e. Delhi)
  3. Duration of Visa (In Month) Please type ‘6’
  4. No. of Entries Please select MULITPLE from the dropdown list provided
  5. Purpose of Visit This will already be completed as per details you have already entered (please ensure this is correct)
  6. Expected Date of journey Please refer to your confirmation invoice for the first date of entry in to India
  7. Port of Arrival in India This information can be found on your confirmation invoice under the flight details
  8. Expected Port of Exit from India This information can be found on your confirmation invoice under the flight details
  1. Have you ever visited India before? Please tick YES or NO (if YES, please complete the relevant details. If you no longer have the details of your previous visa or your travelled over 10 years ago, please tick NO)
  2. Has permission to visit or to extend stay in India previously been refused Please tick YES or NO (if YES, please complete the relevant details)

Countries visited in the last 10 years – Please list all countries your have visited in the last 10 years (specifically any countries where a visa or entry stamp has been issued in your current passport)

Have you ever visited SAARC countries (except your own) during the last 3 years – Please provide details if you have visited to any of the following countries in the last 3 years:

  • Afghanistan
  • Bhutan
  • Pakistan
  • Maldives
  • Nepal
  • Sri Lanka
  • Bangladesh
Tour Name City Hotel Name
Inspiring India Tour DELHI The Park Hotel / Jaypee Vasant Continental
Taj, Temples and Tigers DELHI The Park Hotel
Highlights of India DELHI Jaypee Vasant Continental / The Park Hotel
Rajasthan Panorama DELHI Heritage Village Manesar / Novotel Aerocity
Grand Tour of India DELHI The Park Hotel / Jaypee Vasant Continental
Northern India Discovery DELHI The Park Hotel
Kerala and the Southern Highlights CHENNAI Residency Hotel
Himalayan Kingdoms KOLKATA The Peerless Inn
  1. Reference Name in UNITED KINGDOMPlease provide details of a friend/relative in the UK
  2. AddressPlease provide address details
  3. PhonePlease provide a telephone number

Please tick relevant boxes in this section and provide any details to boxes ticked YES

Please tick the declaration at the bottom of the screen – then tick Save and Continue

You do not need to upload a photograph to this section – please be aware you will need to provide x2 physical photographs that meet the Indian visa regulations (they must be 50mm by 50mm squared) – Please skip this section.

Please check all details on your visa form are correct then click ‘Verified and Continue’ or ‘Modify’ if you need to change any details.

Please book your appointment for the next available date at London Goswell Road (Please ensure you allow at least 10 working days between posting your documents to us and your appointment date, this will allow posting time and time to check your application/documents are correct)

  • Once your visa application has been complete and your appointment has been booked, please print your application single sided and sign in the allocated signature spaces on both pages
  • Print and sign the Declaration Letter
  • Print and sign the Authorisation form (please complete DJB Visas details on this form)
  • Print appointment confirmation

When you have completed and signed your form, you must attach your visa photos. Please only attach using a paper clip. Please do NOT glue or stapple your photos.

The photographs should be in colour and meet the following requirements:

  • Taken in the last six months
  • Clear and of good quality, taken against a plain light background
  • Un-mounted, 50mm by 50mm (India visa size) x2
  • Showing your full face (without glasses, sunglasses and without a hat or cap)
  • Taken in a professional photo booth and not printed at home
  • Double-check that your application form is completed clearly and in full
  • Make sure you have signed your application form
  • Make sure you have attached x2 passport photos
  • Make sure your passport is signed
  • Make sure you have enclosed the Wendy Wu Tours Consent Form (ensuring this is at the front of all your documentation).
  • One valid passport per person
  • One completed application form
  • Two photos per person 50mm by 50mm
  • Declaration form
  • Letter of authorization
  • Appointment booking confirmation
  • One completed consent form per booking (this is to be used as a cover letter).